Monday, November 18, 2013
Kickstarter for Shakespeare Deathmatch Now Live
The Kickstarter for Shakespeare Deathmatch is now live! Stop by and check it out. I'll be posting updates on the dedicated blog space for the game.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Shakespeare Deathmatch
For fun, I've put together a side project called Shakespeare Deathmatch. Mary and I are writing this together.
Yeah. That's right.
The poop doth get real.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Shipping and Receiving
While the original plan was to have Zak go right at the heart of the
mound from the onset, the image I posted yesterday has been echoing around in
the old noggin, and we’re going to start instead at the fringes of the mound,
at one of the more remote entrances. Zak will be hiding out along a road
leading to the mound, waiting for a termite supply truck to go by – then he can
(secretly) hitch a ride into the mound.
The termites share a ‘central’ shipping and receiving facility, with
secure branches that lead into other parts of the mound. There’s something
nicely bizarre about a group of warring, insane creatures who share a common
loading dock for their stuff… they stand around trying to psych each other out,
and when a shipment arrives for one, their reps grab it and run into the
facility laughing maniacally at the others. This is a metaphor, but it’s kind
of the idea. They all work in secret in this shared facility, taking their
individual shipments through secured gateways, but using the common receiving
area. They don’t actually bring the fight here – in large part because it’s the
lackeys who are sent to retrieve shipments - and the lackeys don’t really want
to fight and kill each other unless ordered to do so. They probably talk a lot
of smack and threaten each other routinely, but they leave their guns at home.
It might be a good idea that this is a bit more formalized, so that no
weapons are allowed into the shipping section – all have agreed that they need
a way to get things into the mound that they can use, and so they allow this
common area to remain common.
I suppose that any sort of ‘gentleman’s agreement’ of this sort is
likely to break down at some point; maybe we need a fifth faction within the
mound (connecting this faction to the workers who maintain the place) of an
elite royal guard whose only purpose is to moderate the fight between factions.
They are adjudicators of the will of the High Queen, fulfilling her final
wishes. They are the ones who prevent others from just picking off workers at
random, and they are the ones who prevent larger attacks upon the mound. In
fact, these guys are the biggest challenge to a group of ants that might try to
sneak in, because they are actively looking for non-termite intruders! The
other termites don’t really care if ants are poking around (and probably will
try to use them to attack other factions), but the royal guard? Not so much…
Termite Sentry
20 CPs; Level 3; Hits 9; Feat +2
Body D6; Mind D6; Prowess D8; Spirit D10
Aim +2; Binding Spit +2; Flight +1; Melee +2; Security +2
Rifle (D6; range 3); stun grenade (D6+D10); knife +1
Termite Ability: Binding Spit. The termite may strike a target up to
rating centimeters away, rolling Prowess + Binding Spit and the target rolls a
Body Feat to shrug off the effects of the spit. Targets failing the feat take a
-1 die shift to all physical actions, and take a -1 shift to Move. It takes D4
rounds to remove the spit.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Research into - you guessed it - Termites!

As I learn more about termites and their mounds, it’s clear that they
are the perfect creatures around which to develop a megadungeon concept… Want
to read further? Check out these two sites:
Okay, you’re back. A few takeaways:
The worker caste is neutral, and is below the soldier caste. This means
that maintenance crews are always moving around the mound, repairing, replacing
and upgrading environments – even in the middle of other stuff going on. They
are completely disinterested in the politics of the place; their only
motivation is to keep the place together. This means that the other castes
either 1) ignore them entirely, letting them go about their day, or 2) take
them and manipulate them to build/repair/construct as they see fit. It would
make sense that the termite overlord of flame takes a bunch of these workers,
puts them in fire-retardant suits, and sends them into the middle of his
inferno flux reactor to help build the darned thing; and when it blows up in
the middle of testing, another batch of workers shows up (alerted to the fact
that there’s been damage done to the mound) and he sticks them in suits and
puts them back on the job…
Soldiers naturally fly and naturally spit a sticky slime that impedes
foes. Well this is nasty, is different from other things in the game, and gives
them a non-lethal attack that has a mechanical side to it. Nice.
The environment of the mound contains all of these cool elements that
give it the vibe I want – Fungal gardens? Natural ventilation shafts? A huge
central flume? Egg chambers? SWEET
The mound includes many entrances and exits. This is a must for a
megadungeon. I just have to pick one and start building from there.
My initial thought was that I’d start with one specific clan and build
its entrance. Now, I think I want to develop a neutral node that connects to
four other claimed nodes, work out some random encounters (and a handful of
keyed encounters) and get this thing up and running.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
More Decisions About Termites
Here are a few more decisions/flavor pieces that shape the ‘big picture’
of the termite mound:
- We’re increasing from three termite clans/families to four. The
fourth will be focused on genetic mutation, attempting to develop super-powers
that would allow the queen to regenerate, live forever, and be nigh
invulnerable. I see them extracting animal parts and radiating these,
experimenting to see what happens. An entire node could be devoted just to
developing a ‘human torch’ insect, littered with failed experiments and odd
fire-based machines. The same could be true for any number of powers these
termites would care to develop.
- The mound is an ancient space (by bug standards). There was once a great termite empire
(back in the day – which might only be ten years ago, but to insects this would
be a long time, right?) the termites constructed this huge, labyrinthine mound.
Then, the sickness came, and wiped them out almost completely. They retreated
into the dark, nursing their wounds and living on the edge of annihilation for
a few generations. This most recent queen came to power, and restored the power
and prestige of the termites, saving them from the brink of extinction. They
began to return to the mound proper, exploring old passages and tunnels that
had fallen into disuse, sometimes inhabited by other creatures. When the queen
died at the height of this exploration, her daughters fell into fighting amongst
themselves, and civil war broke out along clan lines throughout the complex.
There are no clear lines of who controls what – they were once intermingled
throughout, and when civil war erupted, everyone claimed a piece of territory
and started to defend it.
- There would be ‘neutral nodes’ where none of the four families lays claim.
- As I think about this whole story, I’m influenced by the flavor of
Arkham Asylum (a game I’ve never played, but which I think I get the basic
premise – might want to track that down…) A lone dark hero descends into a
massive complex populated by insane creatures of great power.
- Edit: I was thinking also that Phil is an important character, since he is in constant contact with Zak, providing him with intel or helping him work through problems (you can elect to take or ignore his advice at various points throughout). Then, as I was reading about Arkham Asylum, I saw that a character was included in the game that performed the same function... hmm. Great minds think alike! Just so you know, I did develop this idea independently of the Batman game - don't let your friends tell you otherwise!
- Edit: I was thinking also that Phil is an important character, since he is in constant contact with Zak, providing him with intel or helping him work through problems (you can elect to take or ignore his advice at various points throughout). Then, as I was reading about Arkham Asylum, I saw that a character was included in the game that performed the same function... hmm. Great minds think alike! Just so you know, I did develop this idea independently of the Batman game - don't let your friends tell you otherwise!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Back in the Saddle - Again!
Hooray! My play is done ('Romeo and Juliet' closed on Saturday), the set is struck, and all of the final wrap-up is done... meaning that I can fully shift my creative gears back to Army Ants! I have managed to keep up on the webcomic (barely) over the last few weeks, I got caught up on packages that I owed people (sorry Brett and DJ, but everything went out toady) and have also been thinking through some of the big ideas for the termite mound.
As far as the mound goes, here are a few broad strokes:
- The mound is an organic rather than modern structure. It has utilities, wires, ventilation shafts and elevators, but these are all nested within an organic, living super-structure.
- Rather than designing by 'levels', I'm going to design by 'nodes'. The thinking right now is that a node will be a themed section within the larger facility. Each node would consist of maybe 10-20 encounter areas. Each node would be an independent environment (with its own utilities and infrastructure) that would have links to at least two others nodes.
- Each node would be identified by a moniker instead of a number. Instead of 'node #1', you will have 'the node of the enervating eye' or 'node of the fallen shades'. In this way, I don't have to worry about how I'd ultimately assemble this whole thing - I can layer new pieces into the larger structure in any order I want, and still create a cohesive whole.
- It would be cool if each node provided an opportunity add a new rule/mechanic/element to the game.
- A gimmick for how this all works is a device that Zak will carry that pulses a sonar wave. The sonar will ping back the layout of the node (since the walls/doors within a node are thinner than the super-structure between nodes). He can explore a small section at a time, getting a map before he sets out, and clearing the map as he goes. It would still be possible to hide things that don't show up on the sonar, and build those into individual encounter areas.
- Chaos is the order of the day. This environment should be exceptionally chaotic, alien, and weird. The termites are not above summoning spirits, gathering energized vats of brains to power psionic machines, building golems out of dead insects, bio-engineering plants and mushrooms with mutant qualities, and imbuing themselves and others with a variety of afflictions just to see what happens.
As far as the mound goes, here are a few broad strokes:
- The mound is an organic rather than modern structure. It has utilities, wires, ventilation shafts and elevators, but these are all nested within an organic, living super-structure.
- Rather than designing by 'levels', I'm going to design by 'nodes'. The thinking right now is that a node will be a themed section within the larger facility. Each node would consist of maybe 10-20 encounter areas. Each node would be an independent environment (with its own utilities and infrastructure) that would have links to at least two others nodes.
- Each node would be identified by a moniker instead of a number. Instead of 'node #1', you will have 'the node of the enervating eye' or 'node of the fallen shades'. In this way, I don't have to worry about how I'd ultimately assemble this whole thing - I can layer new pieces into the larger structure in any order I want, and still create a cohesive whole.
- It would be cool if each node provided an opportunity add a new rule/mechanic/element to the game.
- A gimmick for how this all works is a device that Zak will carry that pulses a sonar wave. The sonar will ping back the layout of the node (since the walls/doors within a node are thinner than the super-structure between nodes). He can explore a small section at a time, getting a map before he sets out, and clearing the map as he goes. It would still be possible to hide things that don't show up on the sonar, and build those into individual encounter areas.
- Chaos is the order of the day. This environment should be exceptionally chaotic, alien, and weird. The termites are not above summoning spirits, gathering energized vats of brains to power psionic machines, building golems out of dead insects, bio-engineering plants and mushrooms with mutant qualities, and imbuing themselves and others with a variety of afflictions just to see what happens.
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