Monday, June 3, 2024

Stalwart 85 Resources

Stuff for YOU!

Core Rules PDF

Complete Rules PDF

Complete Rules Print (Softcover)




The 48-page core rules as a pay-what-you want download, completely released under a Creative Commons Share-Alike License.

156 pages including the 48-page core rules plus over 100 pages of setting material, dozens of characters, and a rich narrative backstory.

156 pages including the 40-page core rules plus over 100 pages of setting material, dozens of characters, and a rich narrative backstory.

The Stalwart Phile - New Characters 

- Stalwart Phile #1

- Stalwart Phile #2


- Stalwart Adventures #1

Other Resources

- The Mighty Doc Stalwart Comic Book Database

- Frequently Asked Questions and Some House Rules

A THOROUGH overview

- New Sentinels of Echo City - an ongoing actual play report

- Errata

- The Stalwart ’85 Web Site (coming soon)

- Merchandise – get that SWAG!

- Here's an icon you can use on your compatible products:


  1. I really love the elegance of your rules design, it's logical and fun.

    I didn't find this on my first read through of the rules,(maybe I read them too fast) but I am going to assume that we use REFLEX and the our "to hit" for attacking?

    1. I think you just roll your Tier Die (Super Tier = D10, etc) to take actions and/or attack. Evade is based on the SV of the "Reflex" Trait, so someone with a D10 Reflex would have a "5" Evade. A Super Tier character could then land an attack against them by rolling a 5 or higher on their D10 Tier die.

    2. Sorry - just saw this. Max is right. I tied attacks to tier to level the playing field - reflex or might would have meant that Captain America doesn't hit as well as Spider Man... but clearly he must.

    3. I am really impressed with these rules, not a lot of fluff and what's there is so well thought out you don't need much more...very streamlined and effective...and I have been following the "The Stalwart Companion" as you add more to it and I am also looking forward to the next publication.

    4. Howdy, Mike! A couple of things: First, I played Stalwart for the first time last night with my daughters and two of their friends. It was a simple scenario involving KRAKEN (a secret society akin to your TENDRIL) trying to steal an artifact from a museum, but it was a BLAST! The system was smooth and fun. That's likely the session that I'll report on in Play's the Thing. Second, I noticed an error in the character sheet that I created. Force was listed as Power. I went ahead and fixed it. The fix should be reflected in the links that I sent you previously, but you might want to switch out the fixed sheet for the one that you published in the Companion.

    5. Aldo,
      I didn't see your comment until just now... thanks for the feedback, and I will update links to the character sheet and update the Companion. Thanks again!
