Sunday, June 30, 2024

When Things Start Clicking

This might be the strangest of indicators, but this is how I know that things are clicking... I was drawing Mongrel (who originally was going to be 'Feral', but I decided to save that character for the next book, and put a lower-tier starter villain in this one). He was a pretty generic Vermin sort of dude until I added the "I Love Echo City" on his t-shirt... and then I got the idea for the backstory about street hot dogs... and then I decided to make it the backup story in an April-fools themed issue. And now this is one of my favorite characters, just because of his interesting backstory. It's silly and goofy, but he's now far more memorable than 'guy who was exposed to toxins' he was going to be. Now I want to write a silly story about how Doc Stalwart is running around Echo City with a tranquilizer gun trying to find this guy so he can 'cure' him, while Mongrel goes from street hotdog vendor to street hotdog vendor, trying to get his revenge... Doc finally tracks him down, tranquilizes him, administers the cure. The guy thanks Doc, shakes his hand, and wishes him well. Doc leaves. Then, the guy goes out and decides to try one of those delicious hot dogs from a street vendor...


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