Friday, June 7, 2024

Some Stalwart Musings

It's been a good week! Already, I've sold a few dozen copies of Stalwart - but FAR more importantly, people seem to genuinely like it and are talking about it. I'm very happy to have a game that people are demonstating genuine enthusiasm for. Thanks! The game keeps trending in the top 30 games under $5 (I've been on and off the front page a few times). It's very heartening.

Over on the Stalwart Age blog, I posted two things: the first issue (in prose form) of Skye Stalwart: The Girl Who Fell to Earth and an 'interview' with creator Byron John. Back in the day, I was always as interested in the interviews with creators (sometimes moreso) than with the thing that they created. To read an interview with John Byrne or Dave Sim would be the highlight of my week. I LOVED getting behind the scenes with the creative process and the politics of the world of comics. It's fun for me to be, in the most meta way possible, creating multiple layers: the game/comic world, but also the world of the people behind these comics. I'm creating the comics that are created in an alternate reality. 

I've made a bit of progress on both resources (linked on the left there) - I like how the World of Stalwart especially is coming together. I also like how the game design forces me to continually get things to the point where they are just barely not hand-wavey, and have just enough mechanical and structural support that they hold together as actual gaming. It's kind of like punk in this way (except it's nothing like punk, just to be clear) - it's like, how much can I make this sound like random noise while still having an actual structure that just barely holds it all together? I'm enjoying that 'living on the edge of chaos' mindset. There is just enough structure to keep the game together, but not a whit more. The master table on page 1 holds it all together. Everything fits in that one chart. There are no mechanical subsystems. I have to figure out how the new element I want to add fits into that structure, and it's leading to some cool discoveries. 

This has been a crazy week at work, but I finished the gauntlet tonight - so this weekend, I hope to get some solo gaming in... I would like to play Skye Stalwart and see how she does against some new villains. It's time to start building her rogue's gallery...

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