Saturday, June 15, 2024

Just Working Away...

I have the Stalwart Companion close to a 'final draft' stage... I added several new gifts, cleaned up some rules, added a few things, dotted i's and crossed t's. It's 14 pages, and I would like to get to 16, but am not sure without adding something that doesn't really belong... I'm going to give it another day or so before packaging it for DriveThruRPG, but it's pretty far along. I like it a lot, and the new gifts I added bring a lot of variety to the game, which is good. It's a significant expansion.

I've also been tinkering away at the World of Stalwart, and my favorite addition of the day is the organization TENDRIL...


The Terror Enclave of Nihilists, Dissenters, Radicals and Insurrectionist Liberators is a social and political organization that has infiltrated governments around the world. They seek disorder, chaos, and the fall of the United World Council. They believe that a free world will be one with only local leadership; to them, any leader who cannot shake hands with every one of their constituents is a bad leader. Their figurehead is the masked figure Demagogue the Dark, who may or may not be a shared identity among several leaders.

It's got a Cobra Commander type of leader, which is great for building a campaign around. I also am happy with how the acronym worked out... and the whole idea that it gets its 'tendrils' into everything. It's kind of spot on. I've been trying to add some 'masterminds' to the game, because I think that they increase the scope from 'villain of the week' to telling longer narratives that are interconnected. I also like that the more I add to the game, the less I feel like it's just an echo of DC and/or Marvel. The Amalgam Universe was already a thing - my game doesn't have to be another one. 

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