Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Raider of the Lost Art(ifacts) Part 1

Over the course of the Mighty Doc Stalwart #221-228, Byron John allowed his assistant, Timothy Bruce, to try his hand at creating his own narrative as an extended backup feature (8 pages each). This was a chase as the Bronze Beacon III traveled around the region to recapture pieces of Tessek's Garb and Totem before these could be reclaimed by Tessek. 
Tim would soon leave comics and move to animation, where he would oversee one of the greatest animated series of all time, adapting a long-standing comic book for the Distinguished Competition. 
Gameplay: It’s a chase to recapture the lost pieces of Tessek’s garb (three pieces) and Totem (three pieces). I’m going to say that Tessek has zero villain points for the final battle with Bronze Beacon, but each piece he recovers gives him two points to use in that fight; he could have zero, or he could have 12. That might make a difference. I also have an idea for a temporary power up for Bronze Beacon for her big fight… We’ll see how these work when we get there…
Part 1 (Backup feature in the Mighty Doc Stalwart #221)
    Bronze Beacon soared over the countryside north of Meridian. On the other side of her headset communicator was the Mighty Doc Stalwart. “Thanks for the heads-up, Doc. I thought there might be some trouble with transporting Tessek and his artifacts to the new museum in Gap City…”
    His voice came through, “No problem. You had a good plan - divide the artifacts in six parts and send them secretly. Unfortunately…”
    She sighed, “Yeah. I didn’t realize my assistant had been charmed by Tessek. So now I have to get the pieces back before - who again?”
    Doc was doing something. She heard a hiss of oxygen. Was he in a space suit? “I sent the data files. Six different villains have been sent… it’s a big job. I’m sorry I can’t be there to-”
    She stifled a laugh, “Doc, you’re on the moon. I can handle it.”
    He paused, clearly wishing he could be two places at once, “Okay. But if you need backup, let me know and I’ll see if Messenger or Twilight Archer is around…”
    She was already reaching for the switch to end the call. Doc didn’t need one more thing to worry about, “Nah. I’ve got this. Thanks, though. Bronze Beacon out.”
    She paused, looking around “I’m still not used to calling myself that… or to seeing stuff like this…”
    Below, a sleek black car wound down a forested street - and then something happened…
Round 1
Pliant has stretched himself across the road, and suddenly tightens (his legs around tree, his arms around another on the other side of the road). He has to check power, and we’ll say DT 6, because stopping a car with a giant rubber band is moderately difficult… He rolls and gets 4. He’ll use two villain points and bump this to 6. The car hits the huge rubber band dude stretched across the road, and flips over. Bronze Beacon charges. She can be there in 2 actions (it’s about a thousand feet). Pliant goes first; he will use 2 actions; the first is to reach in through the broken glass and the second is to recover the piece of the Totem he’s been sent to retrieve. He has to check reflex to keep from cutting himself on the glass (DT 4) and rolls 6. He’s fine, and he is standing there with the briefcase containing the piece of Totem. Beacon flies to within 100’ of him (2 actions), and uses 2 more to attack with her energy bolt (at -1 shift because she’s using extra actions this round). She hits with a 5 and a 4 (rolled pretty well), and Pliant is unable to dodge; she deals 10 and 5 hits with two energy bolts. His invulnerability reduces this to 6 and 1, so he’s at 9 hits. She yells for him to drop the briefcase, but he refuses (of course).
Round 2
He’s going to use one action to slingshot himself at her; he checks power (DT 4) and gets 12; dang! He tries to ‘hit’ her with himself, using his stretching to emulate a binding attack. He attempts power against her endure, getting an 8. He stretches all around her and binds her. I’m going to rule she suffers a -1 overall shift while so bound. She also cannot fly, and is sort of levitating here a hundred feet up with him wrapped all around her. She uses 1 action to create a wedge that pushes him outward, attempting to break the hold he has on her. She checks power and gets 10. Yup. She is still surrounded by him, but there are two generated brackets pushing him away from her and freeing her up. She uses her second action to fire an energy bolt at him, getting a 6. She only deals 1 hit, and he absorbs it. She will continue to use an action every round to keep him away from her.
Round 3
He’s going to start punching at her (as he’s wrapped around the energy-generated brackets about 100’ up). He rolls 6 and 4 with his two punches, and hits with the 6 only. He deals 4 points, and she is at 10. She uses her first action to maintain the brackets, and uses 3 others to attack with three energy bolts (at -1 shift because she’s using extra actions); she rolls 5, 3, and 1. She uses 1 hero point of her 4 to bump the 3 to a 4, so she hits twice. She deals 9 and 3 points. His invulnerability soaks the entire 3 and 4 of the 9. He suffers 5 hits, and is at 4 remaining.
Round 4
He swings two more haymakers, getting a pair of 5s; he barely hits twice. He deals 5 and 1, for a total of 6 points. She is at 4. She continues to use an action to keep him stretched out away from her, and then uses one action to fire a bolt at him (planning to use her hero points as needed; she wants to hit him with a solid shot). She rolls a 7 to hit (whew) and rolls 11 for damage! Huzzah.
He’s at 0, so he drops and crumples into a pile of spaghetti in the grass; the briefcase flings in another direction. She flies after the briefcase and catches it with a hand she generates from her bracers; she then hears the driver below, and pulls him from the car. He’s badly hurt, but she’s able to use her healing to restore his broken arm and mend his lacerations. However, by the time she turns to check on Pliant, he has escaped, slinking off into the nearby woodlands.
“Bronze Beacon to Doc Stalwart – I have recovered the first piece of the Totem.”
She takes off into the sky, ready to seek out the next piece.  
Bronze Beacon III

Kira Keller, Curator of the Grand National Museum in Gap City
First Appearance: The Mighty Doc Stalwart #179
Paragon Hero (D8[4]2) Hits 14; Move 30’ (fly 500’); HP 4
Might D6 (3); Mind D8 (4); Power D12 (6); Reflex D8 (5)
Energy Bolt; Energy Solidification; Force Field; Flight; Healing  
Brawling +1; Dodge +1; Profession (museum curator) +2
Gauntlets must be charged with direct exposure to sunlight once per day.

The daughter of Bronze Beacon II, she is the curator of the Grand National Museum, located in Gap City. She inherited her father’s gauntlets - and his responsibilities as a costumed hero. She considers herself a ‘part-time hero’, wielding the gauntlets only when she deems it necessary. Her rogue’s gallery includes the Bod, Gloaming the Shadow Bandit, Pliant, Professor Frosten, and Vyperion.

First Appearance: The Mighty Doc Stalwart #207
Paragon Villain (D8[4]2); Hits 16; VP 4
Might D8 (4); Mind D4 (2); Power D10 (5); Reflex D8 (4)
Invulnerability (4); Stretch
Brawl +1; Infiltration +2; Stealth +1

A common burglar who was exposed to a chemical that gave him stretching powers, Pliant has used his powers to commit more and more challenging heists. He is a frequent enemy of the Bronze Beacon

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