Sunday, June 2, 2024

Update on Stalwart

I've done a full-scale reformatting of Stalwart. You can view it here.

A few things:
- I think I'm locked in at 16 pages for the core rules. I don't want to go longer than this or it undermines my basic goal of getting the game into a tight package. I can still add a few things and stay within 16 pages.
- I've also given up on print as an option here; at only 16 pages, you can print it yourself! It would be four sheets of regular copy paper (5 with the cover). I changed the formatting (again) to 8.5 x 5.5 digest size with .5 margins. This is best (from my perspective) for looking at on a device. It looks really good on my phone.  
- I've sprinkled a mix of old and new art. I took some of my favorite images from the prior game and added some bolder line work to bring them up to speed. I was surprised at how thin much of the linework was that made it into the original rules. I guess I was nervous about using thicker lines - no idea why that was. I still have a few new pieces to draw (or older pieces to upgrade)... we'll see.
- I got rid of most of the tables. The larger tables were taking up a lot of room, and they weren't particularly attractive. I simplified things to bulleted or numbered lists. There are still opportunities to add to the gifts, tags, energies, and limitations lists, and I'm sure I'll add a bit to each before all is said and done.


  1. the new layout looks SWEET! Very cool to see one of my favorite pics, that of Doc Stalwart jumping off a cliff to punch a Giant Gorilla, in there :)

  2. It's very strange, because at this point I have a considerable amount of 'stock art' I've created and haven't really circulated very much... so it was easy enough to just clean it up and plug it in. The layout has come together quickly... I might end up releasing this this week (and will take down the playtest version at that point - just FYI :)
