Saturday, June 1, 2024

D16 - Debate

I'm torn on our new friend the D16. It is not a traditional die type, but they make them. You can buy them. I don't have any (yet), but they're out there (Yes, an Amazon order will be placed before the end of the weekend).

Realistically, adding a D16 would probably help the game significantly. It would create a tier between legendary and cosmic, and allow for truly exeptional mortal characters (I'm thinking Superman and Hulk would be here with their might) that are at the limits of the game without breaking it. D20 is then reserved for the truly, truly powerful creatures. The purist in me wants to hold off on the D16, but as I look at the table and see the huge leap from D12 to D20, I feel like I sort of need it to make the game scale better at the high end. Thor could now have D12 might, but Mjolnir would shift his damage up to D16, which feels right. 

I'm adding it to the playtest document (link in the navbar upper left corner), but it's on a short leash. 

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