Friday, June 28, 2024

Day 25

After 25 days, Stalwart is a Copper Seller, and has sold a total of 70 copies. This is an AMAZING number of sales for a small game from a small publisher. I've also sold 12 copies of the Stalwart Companion (although the total number of downloads is 63). I presume, based on the way sales went, that the Companion helped to sell a few more of the core rules (which is why it was put up as PWYW). I figured that once people could see how the game is built and how it works, they might want to get the core rules - that appears to have been the case, since sales picked back up after the release of the Companion, and have been consistent (a few a day) all month.

My instinct right now is to start moving towards wrapping up the World of Stalwart as a "Volume 1" and releasing that in early July (also as a PWYW). I'd like to find a way to get it 'down' to 48 pages (it's over 50 right now, but with some white space I could tighten up). I think that if people see how robust the game setting is and how much opportunity it presents to maybe revitalize some supers games, people might be willing to give the core rules a try (because, you know, they're a dollar). I've added a lot of content to that (like Microbe).

Also, I really like how flexible this ruleset is in allowing you to create supers and build custom gifts. For example, I built the character of Cadet the Boy Patriot this morning, and tried to figure out how the 'American Spirit' would look as a super power (other than just aping Captain America for the 80th time). I decided that he's a relatively normal dude (D6 across the board) who's a trained combatant (so he has brawling)... but that every time he gets knocked down (felled), he gets back up stronger than before (so he gets a boost to Might and Reflex... first to D8, and then to D10). I like the symbolism of that power (your defeats just keep making you stronger), and the mechanics of the game allowed it to fit very easily (being felled, dice shifts). I didn't have to create any new mechanics; I just applied existing mechanics to the new idea. I also gave him elite tier, just to show that he was a little bit elevated. He's in the World of Stalwart draft as a member of the Young Wardens. 


  1. That is a GREAT new Gift for "Cadet!" It would also work as the "Hulk Hogan right when it looked like he was gonna lose" Gift :)
