Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Odds and Ends

The introductory adventure using Malamus and adapting Mighty Doc Stalwart #58 is coming along quite nicely. Here's the central image that will be the cover for that issue and adventure. I hope to have it up and published by the weekend - it will be sent to all KS backers as a pdf, but will also be PWYW on DriveThruRPG. My only question is whether or not to include pregenerated characters. I have options: I could just reprint the Young Wardens (since this is kind of how I see a character group like that getting introduced anyway). I don't like the idea that there is an 'official' team that does these things - the 'official' story featured Doc. I could just publish Doc and a few possible allies? Add a few more public domain heroes? Leave the PCs out entirely and encourage the players to use their own characters? I mean, the core rules with all character generation rules are available for free, and I want to encourage people... it's the only thing I'm not sure how to solve yet. There are lots of PD characters that I haven't touched yet - I could create a different set of maybe 8 Public Domain heroes that are a separate thing, but which are a free resource anyone could then draw on when they need a character. I could make 'Public Domain character packs' of maybe 6-8 characters at a time and probably never run out of characters to do this for, but give a lot of support to the game and continue to expand from the characters that were part of the KS. I don't want to take from anything that was already a KS exclusive, so I'll be leaving those PD characters alone.

I also added two links to the comics database, but since that thing is already pretty big, it would be easy for you to miss them if you weren't looking. I've added them both as backup features in Mighty Doc Stalwart #200, seeing that issue in many ways as shared with Simian Prime. I added the Simian Manifesto and the text that would have accompanied a Project: Javelin mission into Simian City


  1. I vote pregens, I love ‘em, even when I don’t wind up using them
