Anyhow, here he is (after having completed his first mission to recover fuel crystals from the derelict Orak gunship the Grimdawn. He's had a busy day, but Servo his bot assistant really saved his bacon a few times)...
Golrik Venn,
Terran Mercenary 2
AC 13; HD 2d6 (hp 13); Feat
+6; Move 40’; Medium Blast Pistol (+2; 1d8+1; 30’)
STR 8 (+1); INT 9 (+1); WIS 7 (-)
DEX 9 (+1); CON 9
(+1); CHA 10 (+2)
Talents: Bot;
Purpose: To establish
a reputation
Gear: Medium
blast pistol; utility line with grapple; light flex armor; 1 week rations
Servo, the
S-Series Service Bot (CL 1)
AC 14; HD 2d4 (hp 6); Feat
+5; Move 30’; Pulse (+2; 1d4; 30’)
Spaceship Tinkering (+12); Weapon Tinkering (+12)
Weapon Tinkering. Make a check using your INT +2. If successful, you
add +1 to the attack, +1 to damage, or +10’ to range for one weapon. You may
have a total number of modifications going at one time equal to your level,
since you constantly need to modify/adjust the weapon(s) you’ve tinkered.
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