Thursday, July 11, 2024

Just Keep Selling

I have been noticing something odd that I love but that I cannot fully explain.

And I know that is a very 'duh' thing to be saying, like yeah Mike, you want your game to sell, so that's good, right?

Yes, it's great. Fantastic. Gives me little warm fuzzies every time I check. But it's just unusual...

I've been doing this a while. Games come out, they have a week or two of sales, and then it just drops off. That's been the cycle for the almost twenty years now I've been selling games online. I hope I can get a lot of sales in the first ten days, because after that there's no guarantees.

I have sold 15 copies this month, which is a full month after the game came out.

I think this thread might be part of the reason. I would jump on and comment, but my account on has been locked out for some reason. Not sure. I'm very flattered that people are saying nice things about the game (and especially the mechanical things). I've said to my wife for a long time that I am very proud of the complex mechanical problems I've been able to solve in some of my more recent games. Being felled is definitely one of the strengths of the game. It's just SO gratifying to have someone who is not me saying it :)

Anyway, I wanted to pop in to say thank you to everyone who reads this blog and who is also playing, supporting, making characters for, talking up, having fun with, and just being part of the whole Stalwart experience. 

It's probably been the most rewarding RPG publishing experience I've ever had. This last six weeks has been so much fun, and been so fulfilling, on so many levels.

Thank you a dozen times over.

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