Tuesday, July 2, 2024

World of Stalwart Volume I

The World of Stalwart Volume 1 is now up for sale as a PWYW download. And just... wow. I LOVE it. It has:

  • 110 entries
  • 66 characters (5 expert tier, 21 paragon tier, 18 super tier, 10 legendary tier, 7 titanic tier, and 2 ultimate tier... along with 3 entities).
  • Snapshot descriptions of about 1/3 of the 260+ issues of Doc Stalwart (it's a lot of story). 
  • 66 illustrations (!)
  • All packed into 54 pages.
Also, believe it or not, I'm already at work on Volume 2. I didn't even get to mention Aegis Prison and its controversial history... or the Stalwart Legion from the 28th Century... or the War of the Gods (between Olympus and Asgard that leads to the creation of the New Eternia)... or the TriUne of Id the All Knowing, Oculo the All Seeing, and Omeg the All Powerful (and their eternal conflict)... so I have a LOT to still write about.

I found my groove with this... and I think I have two more such "World of Stalwart" books (of this scale) in me before all is said and done... which would be pretty amazing. By that point, I think I would have covered all 260+ issues of Doc's adventures, and every character who had appeared in his book. Then I can get back to writing 'new' adventures starting from 261... and Skye Stalwart... and maybe another spinoff.

I ALSO have an idea for how I can publish adventures for you to take your own unique characters on that would be scalable to various tiers and also within the 'official canon' of the game world... so you'd be playing in 'official' storylines in the comic world... I'm going to be very busy this summer.


  1. World of Stalwart blows my mind a little ! Reading it I was getting drawn into all the connections between the heroes and villains. I love that it reinforces that the gameworld isn't static.
