Wednesday, July 31, 2024


I don't have a standard way to design characters. Sometimes, I come up with a concept for the story, and build the character that way. Sometimes, I think of a power I want to use, and build a character around that (like I did for White Hot, who I'll share later)... and sometimes I come up with a name as I'm doodling, and the interactive process of the stylus moving along with my brain tinkering comes up with a character concept. I was halfway through doodling this guy when I thought of 'slipknot', and then realized I could play with the name, and then figured he's the world's greatest escape artist, and then thought that the elongation gift with a power of D4 would effectively make him able to contort himself in dramatic ways without really 'stretching' all that far. It's the power on its lowest setting. Then if I give him high Reflex, infiltration, and profession (escape artist), I've got my own little version of Mr. Miracle going...

No idea what to do with him yet, but he's kind of nifty. He seems like he'd be a good fit for Tipo's Rogue's gallery, but it would have to be when Tipo is teamed up with a low-power hero, since this guy isn't all that much in the fighting department... I could see a plot twist where Tipo needs him for something, and then I team up Tipo with a villain he's defeated before... hmmm....

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