Saturday, June 6, 2015

Another Tribute Piece

This week, I came across one of my all-time favorite images, a Frank Miller Daredevil piece. I don't think I ever saw it finished and colored as a kid - the pencil drawing was on the cover of a fanzine that I got at a con as a wee lad. I spent so many hours trying to figure out how Frank Miller did that perspective, and how he managed to capture the movement of Daredevil falling upside down.

It's almost 30 years later, and I still don't know how he did it. My tribute is in the ballpark, but if Miller's piece was a home run, I'm going to say I got a gimme that put me at first base. Still, it was fun to work on, and I learned some new things about perspective and use of solid blacks, so it's a win. This piece will end up somewhere in Sentinels of Echo City, which I hope to have done and published by the end of the month.

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