Friday, August 16, 2024

Cataclysm Across the Cosmos

I've been toying with how best to approach the Cataclysm Across the Cosmos storyline for the Kickstarter campaign, and I had a few options for villains or characters who could act as the lynchpin for the whole thing... but none of them worked out just right. Then I came across a discussion of Kid Eternity... and the wheels started turning.
His powers allow him to live for 75 years after the U-Boat accident, but make him virtually omnipotent... and (get this), one of his key powers is the ability to summon any hero he wants! So... as he realizes that his end is nigh, he (subconsciously) starts to let his own reality fall apart, because he wants to 'take everyone he loves with him' into the afterlife. A group of villains opposes him (realizing what he's doing), and tries to steal his powers (led by Baron Doom, I think)... and then he summons heroes from a variety of realities (because the edges of his own have frayed so badly, and things are bleeding over). So... he gets the heroes to fight the villains, but then everyone will realize what's really happening, and then the heroes and villains have to fight him... and then eventually get him to realize that what he's doing is harmful. He's already damaged his own reality too much, so his final act is to allow his own reality to merge with another, before he crosses over into the afterlife.

This gives me my Secret Wars/Crisis On Infinite Earths mash up story, and uses public domain characters to root it all.

Loving it.

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