Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Captain Battle

I keep posting characters to the Kickstarter page (because I cannot stop myself today), and I found the history of Captain Battle (in the public domain), and drew him. If the Kickstarter was just "Captain Battle", and you only got this character, one page of rules, and a way to fight his arch enemy "Baron Doom", the Kickstarter should raise like a billion dollars.

In fact, here's my free micro RPG for Captain Battle.

In combat, Captain Battle always goes first. When you attack (because you don't have any other choices. The game is called "Captain Battle"), roll 1d6 and see below.

1. You disintegrate your foe with your pistol. Earn all of the experience points.

2. You defeat your foe with your American fists of justice. Earn a million experience points, and the hearts of 1d6 x100 nurses.

3. You flex your muscles and your foe runs away. Earn half a billion experience points, and also increase your popularity +1,000 (oh, never mind. You already have infinite popularity. Okay, it's now infinite +1).

4. Roll twice.

5. Roll three times.

6. Do all of these things. 


  1. I could spend the rest of my life adapting public domain superheroes into my game, and it would be a life well lived.
