Thursday, August 8, 2024

Ret-Conning Skye Stalwart

I got an idea to retcon Skye Stalwart a bit... my original thought was that she (at some point in the near future of Doc's timeline) traveled to the future and joined the Stalwart Legion of the 28th Century. I have since added a four-part appearance of the Stalwart Legion to the official list of Doc stories, in a battle against Synchronous (in the early 1970s). I figured that this version wouldn't have her in it yet, but then I thought it would be even better if I decided this was a twist; the Stalwart Legion 'always' had Skye Stalwart in it (so she is an existing character circa 1985), but Doc didn't know this was his daughter... maybe SHE didn't even know she was his daughter. So, he's already met an older version of her, thinking that this was a far future descendent, and only recently learned that she was actually his daughter who had been whisked to the future.

I like a lot about this idea, and it puts Skye into the more active continuity of other things, so I like that better, too. I like that her story is, in effect, told 'out of time', because we meet her a bit older than she ultimately ends up being in the primary continuity.

It might even be worth tying this all to Scooter James as a creative force; Skye Stalwart was his idea at maybe twelve years old, and he was the one who ultimately made the decision to add her to the current continuity as Doc's daughter. I like it that she is 'his' character.

I have decided that whatever ends up in print in Stalwart '85 is going to be the final, official word on what actually happened in the continuity of this world, and I'm going to have to build from it. Needless to say, I'll be spending some time really thinking through how all of the various pieces truly fit together before publishing that final book in a few months...

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