Monday, August 5, 2024

Kickstarter Thoughts

I've spent some time brainstorming ways that a potential Kickstarter could end up being more than just 'here's a book you can buy'... and I have ideas.

Oh MAN do I have ideas.

Because the thing that I keep coming back to is that my whole goal is to build community. I want to have a community of fellow players who are all engaged in some way with this shared text. In some ways, I want to be the caretaker of it, but I also want it to be bigger than me. I'm excited about the idea of people having their own games that are set within the various realities connected to mine, with their own characters and campaigns and worlds and events that may or may not align with those in the 'official' game. 

I've got some really, really cool ideas for a KS that would directly and practically support this goal. 

I'm very, very excited about how this is coming together. I'll be sharing more soon.


  1. "In some ways, I want to be the caretaker of it, but I also want it to be bigger than me."

    This has been the ultimate dream of pretty much every gaming project I've taken on. One day, maybe the planets will align for me. Good luck with it...I'll be keeping an eye on this space!

    1. Thanks! I had not realized that this was probably a universal feeling in our community, but now that I look it from that perspective, it must be. We make games so that other people will play them :)

    2. Not sure if it's universal, but I bet you'll find some other folks with similar views. I've always found it to be, I guess almost a paradox. I want so badly for something I create to be loved by others so much that they want it to be theirs...BUT I'm not sure I could handle completely letting it go...!
