Saturday, August 17, 2024

Toying with a Mechanical Changes to Weapons

Throughout the rules for Stalwart (and now the working draft of Stalwart '85), I've relied heavily on the die shift to account for some bonuses. One place I did this is with weapons and weapon damage; I found (and still find) it to be an elegant solution that your weapon (claws, a shield, a sword) allow you to shift up one die for damage; if you have Might D8 and a set of claws, you deal D10 damage. This is a simple, clean solution that is easy to remember.

However, it is not particularly granular, and it starts to get messy when you have more dice shifts involved. I was thinking of swapping weapons out from a dice shift to a set damage rating. This would be based on half your tier SV. It then looks like this...

Wonder boy is Prodigy tier (D8[4]2) and Might D6. His battle staves deal D6+2 damage (instead of D8).

The Canadian Badger is Legendary tier (D12[6]3) and Might D8. His claws deal D8+3 damage (instead of D10).

The thunder god is Titan tier (D16[8]4) and Might D16. His hammer deals D16+4 damage (instead of D20). 

It makes weapons a little bit cooler, but carrying Mjolnir SHOULD make you a little bit cooler. I think maybe I scale back throwing the weapon as a -1 die shift; the thunder god deals D12+4 when he throws Mjolnir. That also makes sense to me. 

I also like how this works for found weapons; when the Brute picks up a tank and starts hitting people with it, he gets to add the full half SV to damage, but it degrades 1 point with every hit. If he's legendary tier with Might D12, he deals D12+3 with the first hit, D12+2 with the second, D12+1 with the third, and after that he drops the shattered piece of tank he's still holding, because it's no longer useful as a weapon. In a bar fight, when a normal person picks up a chair, it deals +1 damage with the hit, shattering on impact.  

I don't think I want to port this over to trick weapons, though... trick weapons do double-dip on tier (using the same die for both attacks and damage), and it might make more sense to tie damage to reflex... the archer with D6 reflex is going to deal less damage than the archer with D12 reflex. That seems logical. 

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