Sunday, August 4, 2024

This Alone Would Justify A Kickstarter

So I got the crazy idea this morning to reach out and see if John Byrne might be commissioned to draw Doc Stalwart for the cover of the new version of the RPG. I mean... to have an original Doc drawing done by John Byrne? That would be... I cannot even tell you. I'm tearing up just thinking about the idea of it.

I don't know if Mr. Byrne even does commissions anymore (most of the things I found are from several years ago), but I sent an email and crossed my fingers. 

The thought of sitting here with a scan of John Byrne's art trying to color it just is kind of overwhelming to me. That he would even know I and this project exist is kind of meta if I'm being honest. I would call it a full circle moment if it happens, but I don't think that would even explain it fully.

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