Thursday, August 22, 2024

Point-Based Character Building

I am playing a bit with the point-based character building rules, and trying to set up a little more of a structured approach; I personally like the randomness of character generation, but I also think that having a fixed point-based method would be helpful. One of the problems with the existing point-based method is that it's pretty heavy-handed; it basically gives you an average die of your tier. That's fine at D8, but gets problematic at D16, where you have D16 across the board (which is pretty powerful). If we go with the idea that the 'average is that you have one die of your tier, one die higher, one die lower, and one die two lower, we end up with these numbers:

D8 (10, 8, 6, 4) = 28 points (currently 36 points)

D10 (12, 10, 8, 6) = 36 points (currently 40 points)

D12 (16, 12, 10, 8) = 46 points (currently 48 points)

D16 (20, 16, 12, 10) = 58 points (currently 64 points)

It seems reasonable to set the benchmarks at D4 (16 points), D6 (26 points), D8 (36 points), D10 (46 points), D16 (56 points), D20 (66 points). This means that a D4 character is D4 across the board (well, yeah), and a D20 character might end up with D20/D20/D16/D10. These work pretty well.   


  1. And that's the public domain Archer, eh? Very cool!

    (FWIW, I wrote a silly 100-word story about him one time...

  2. Nice! And yes... never too many boxing glove arrows :) (and I realized he should be Arrow not Archer... fixing that for the book).

    1. Ha! Even after replying, and adding the link to my post, I didn't catch that "error"...something to be said about the invisibility of generic terminology or something, I'm sure...!
