Monday, May 27, 2024

Making Things Harder

Here is a short snippet I'm adding to the Tomb of Myriad Horrors, and it's a game changer:

Note: Recovery of any kind does not work within the tomb. Healing spells will fail, and healing potions are inert. Spells cannot be recovered. Rest is useless; this place is utterly consumed with rot.

This changes the ENTIRE adventure. Now, I can scale the damage way back, and minor threats are really significant. ANY damage you suffer is a huge setback. You lose a point of mana? Uh oh. Hack'D, by design, makes it pretty easy to recover after an encounter is over. You can generally go from one encounter to the next relatively fresh. A trap that deals 10 hits may not seem like a big deal to a character with 35 hits, but is awful when there is no way to get those points back. That one change truly turns this adventure into the meat grinder it is supposed to be. Now, I don't have to do anything to the lich at the end - he doesn't need special things to make him extra difficult; the place, and the dangers the players face before getting to him, makes him difficult enough.

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