Sunday, May 19, 2024

I Challenge - YOU!

I am officially throwing out a design challenge to the entire Internet (yeah, the WHOLE THING. It's going down for real). Earlier, I toyed with the idea of creating five-room dungeons that were adaptations of classic adventure modules. Sean Wills threw together his idea, and then I countered with a write up of my own that modified his original design. The result is... kind of awesome. 

So, here's the challenge: I challenge YOU to take a classic adventure module and re-imagine it as a five-room dungeon. The trick - as far as I see it - is honoring the 'greatest hits' and vibe of the original within the minimalist format of the five-room dungeon.

When you're done, add a link below, and I'll keep a master list of the entries. You can post it to your blog, create a Google Doc, or do it as a release that you charge like a million dollars for (you only have to sell one, right?). I'll link to the page on drivethru or your vendor of choice. You can stat it up for your favorite system, or leave it system agnostic.

And, by the way, we can NEVER have too many tombs of horrors. Or horrific tombs. Or tombs of many horrors. You get the idea.


  1. I hope the word gets spread - I have a relatively limited reach, so I'm hoping that others will re-post my post.

  2. B1 In Search Of The Unknown
