Thursday, May 30, 2024

Stalwart Playtest Document Up for Review

I've decided to name the game "Stalwart", since I love the name, and I love confusing people (wait - so is this the Stalwart Age, then? Set in the same world. Different rules). I'm consisent at least.

You can review it here.

It's not done - several of the gifts (superpowers) are either incomplete or not started yet, but this gives a good idea of where this is going. I am open to any and all feedback, and I encourage you to roll up some characters and see what happens...

I'll just keep updating the document as I make progress, and based on any feedback I receive.


  1. Replies
    1. I had no idea if you'd be happy I was writing a new supers game or frustrated I wasn't creating more content for Stalwart Age. :)

      I knew I had a problem with SA when I started to make characters for it and realized it was more work than I wanted to do. I had too many things to look up and too many numbers to balance for me. I keep working on Hack'D because I can make content quickly without having to check a lot of numbers and make sure I added every modifier. If I can get a supers system to that level of user ease, I am going to be more likely to stick with it long term (I think).

    2. You know I like your designs, Doc, but I gotta say: I was actually about at the same point with not just Stalwart Age, but with every RPG, even my older faves. As streamlined and cool as SA was, I've been kind of longing for a "simpler, faster" supers system with character creation that is light enough to REALLY zing through, but not so "lite" that it just feels completely abstract. Ironically, I've found the really "lite" games end up having character sheets that are mostly made up of game mechanic-related terms. They don't do a good job of actually describing the character, imo. THIS new thing you've started already seems to scratch the exact itch I've been feeling :)
